


初めに「三角まとう」について 2019年の夏前くらいに「三角まとう」という言葉が突然降りてきて、三角まとうをカタチにしてみようと思い立ちそれからずっと作り続けています。それが加速したのは2020年の春から夏にかけコロナで展示会を休んでいる間で、しばらくは何も作る気が起きなかったのに三角まとうだけは作ることができました。それが何故なのか現実的な理由はいくつかありますが、本当の意図がどこからやってきているのかは謎でした。が、ある夜にみた夢?というか現実との狭間にいる時、誰かに答えを教えてもらいました。数年前からわたしの右手の手相には三角形が表れています。運命線と合流するように中指に向かってくっきりと二等辺三角形を描いています。何で三角形?とずっと気になっていて、一度、手相見の人に視てもらうものの分からず、いつのまにかそのこと自体を忘れていましたが、夢で教えてくれた誰かが手のひらを、すっと、なぞるようにして思い出させてくれました。思うに、ずっと前から兆しはきていて、それを始めるときが来るまで忘れないようにと手にサインを出してくれていたのです。ちなみに夢で教えてくれた誰かとは、たぶん自分です。そうやって自分をみている、もう一人の自分がいます。出来上がった三角まとうを部屋の壁につり下げ、じっとみていると、自分で生み出したものであるのにまるではじめからそこに存在していたかのように「ある」。そういう自分なんだけど自分ではないという不思議な感覚がしてきます。運命線と合流した三角形は、その線に添うように、最もふさわしい場所へといのちを運んでいくでしょう。三角まとう、覚え書きとして。

Background to the making of “SANKAKU MATOU”. > > > > The words “SANKAKU MATOU” popped into my head just before the summer of 2019. I tried to turn them into something real - fabric bags which I have been making ever since. The making of “SANKAKU MATOU” accelerated when all my shows were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic from the spring to summer of 2020 . During that period I did not feel like making anything else but “SANKAKU MATOU”. I could think of the practical reasons behind such feeling but I could not pinpoint the real intention. Then one night, while I might have been dreaming, someone gave me the answer. I have been seeing a triangle on my right palm for a couple of years. There is a line of fate and along with this line I see an isosceles triangle pointing towards my right middle finger. It kept bothering me so I consulted with a palmist, but wasn’t given any clear answer. And I forgot about it.

Then in my dream, someone touched my hand gently along the line and that reminded me of that triangle. I had been sensing something for sometime and it was clarified as the triangle on my palm, which I believed was a reminder that the right time had come for me to make “SANKAKU MATOU”. I suppose that the someone in my dream was I, myself - I’ve always had the strange sensation that there might be another self observing myself. Now, hanging a “SANKAKU MATOU” on the wall and observing it, I feel it has a certain existence, or presence, as a “being”, as if it had already existed and not made by me. I am myself but am I really? It is very strange feeling. The triangle, matching with the line of fate on my palm. Along that line, it would bring itself to the place where it is most suitable.

How to SANKAKU MATOU 三角まとうのつくり

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    It consists of four patchwork fabrics; each piece is 80cm square in size. Firstly, two of those squares are sewn together and folded into a triangle. Then two triangles are stitched together to form a bag, “SANKAKU
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    “SANKAKU” means a triangle and I regard it as a symbol of creation. “MATOU” usually means “wear” but it also has some underlying meanings referring to invisible quality and atmosphere, as well as a sense of a prayer. The SANKAKUMATOU itself has almost no shape, but the shape changes according to the movements of the body that wears it, and wearing the SANKAKUMATOU leads to a greater awareness of one's body.
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    You can use it as a bag, wear it like a stole, or wear it in the style of a “Kesa”, [Kesa is a cloth-like garment worn by Buddhist monks].which is a garment for Buddhist priests. Its double layered corners are used as pockets. It can be folded into a smaller triangle and is very easy to carry. A brass loop secures its knot and aids length adjustment. Due to the nature of patchwork fabrics and their different combinations, every “SANKAKU MATOU” is unique and original. 

Exhibition and POP UP 2022 > 2023 > 2024 2022.2/19-23 : 784 JUNCTION CAFE_神戸 > 3/16-19 : cafe a table_ 北九州 > 4/6 -11 :神戸阪急(POP UP)> 4/22-24:喫茶 つばらつばらクラシック_札幌 > 5/11-24:ジェイアール京都伊勢丹5F Re Style・OOO(オーオ)> 6/15-21:阪急うめだ本店 SOUQ > 7/8-16:gallery favorita_神戸 > 8/17-21:TETRA+GRAPH _ 博多 > 9/14-27:ジェイアール京都伊勢丹5F Re Style・OOO(オーオ)> 10/13-29:PINT_ 京都 > 11/9-13:GEDOK STUTTGART_ ドイツ > 12/3-10:gallery favorita_神戸 > 12/21-27:阪急うめだ本店 SOUQ > 2023.1/25-28 : cafe a table_ 北九州 > 2/2-5 : cotomonoyoso"mono" at TETRA+GRAPH _ 博多 > 2/15-3/31 : co-fuque _ 神戸 > 4/8-10 : cotomonoyoso"mono" at 晴耕雨読 _ 函館 > 5/3-5 : Marginal drawing × ほの花 : GALLERY METABO _ 京都 > 5/11-14 : Marginal drawing × 海と梨 : 星ヶ丘SEWING GALLERY _ 大阪 > 6/3-18 : Kusakabe Gallery _ 京都 > 9/13-30 : 喫茶朔望 _ 神戸 > 10/30-11/12 : SPIRAL(OOO)_ 東京 > 11/3-30 : co-fuque _ 神戸 > 12/14-26 : Kusakabe Gallery _ 京都 > 2024. 2/6 -19:ジェイアール京都伊勢丹5F Re Style・OOO(オーオ)> 5/29 - 6/4 : OSAKA Art & Designe 2024 _ 阪急うめだ本店 SOUQ > 7/25 - 8/7 : 喫茶朔望 _ 神戸

Cotomono Works and Notes